Version 4.3.154
status description
update Start Outlook from TAPICall's tray menu
TAPICall's menu item 'Start Outlook' would fail in Office ClickToRun installations. This was fixed.
update Bugfix: online activation
The global switch from HTTP to HTTPS in TAPICall's code, introduced with version 4.3.152, caused the online activation to fail update requests. TAPICall would announce that an empty document was returned from the activation server(s). This was fixed.
Version 4.3.153
status description
update DasÖrtliche: missing HTML unescaping
Previous versions would not replace HTML escaping constructs by the respective characters when new contacts were generated from search results
Version 4.3.152
status description
update Replaced all http references by https
All internet resources accessed by %prod were moved from http to https protocol. This fixes missing icons in call lists sent via e-mail, and other issues
Version 4.3.151
status description
update Lookup engine DasOrtliches (DE)
Due to internal website changes the connector for the German lookup engine DasÖrtliche needed to be adjusted
Version 4.3.150
status description
update Unknown area code handling
Entering a phone number that contains an unknown area code ( not contained in the area code database ), this will now be addressed with a warning icon and message in the status bar
New Link to support web site in case of TAPI initialization issues
Windows updates can cause previously-working TAPI service providers to fail. The respective message now offers a direct link to the support web site for assistance
New New option to put the creation date and time into a new contact item's body text
An option to put the creation timestamp into contacts resulting from an online lookup already existed. Now there is also an option for contacts that were created otherwise (see Settings -> Create contacts)
update Update to area code database
Multiple location names have been updated, and new entries have been added (only Germany)
update Additional delay intervals for pending updates
The reminder for a pending update can now be postponed to today plus 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days.
Version 4.3.149
status description
update Update to German lookup engine DasÖrtliche
Correction: single search results could cause an infinite loop / crash
Version 4.3.148
status description
update New Outlook Redemption version
The MAPI interface (Outlook Redemption) was updated to the latest version.
Version 4.3.147
status description
update External applications: Execute after number resolution
The flag "Execute only after the contact was found" was not used correctly in combination with a Fritz!Box connection. The commands would execute before the calling/called contact was known.
Version 4.3.146
status description
update Update to German lookup engine DasÖrtliche
Due to web site changes the lookup engine connector no longer worked and needed to be fixed.
Version 4.3.145
status description
update Creation of external applications
In the settings page 'Exernal Applications', it was not possible to create a first list entry if the list was still completely empty. This was fixed.
update Bugfix for start behavior
We observed on some systems that TAPICall would get into an infinite loop on startup before any UI elements were shown. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.143
status description
Version 4.3.142
status description
update Bugfix for startup issue
TAPICall 4.3.141 would lock up on systems that never created a log file yet. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.141
status description
New Easier access to remote support
The TAPICall tray icon menu now features a 'Remote Support' entry which redirects you to the download page for the suppor tool. In case you downloaded it previously, it is started right away.
New Log file redirection
When reproducing specific situations and log what is happening, it is now possible to log this in a separate log file from the main log that is configured in the settings. New menu items exist in the TAPICall tray menu icon popup menu. It is also possible to switch the main log on and off here without the need to go to the settings page first.
update Protocol handler registration for callto: and tel:
TAPICall is now automatically registered as the default protocol handler for callto: and tel: URLs as part of the setup. It is no longer required to assign TAPICall manually.
update Telephony service check
On startup, TAPICall will check the telephony (tapisrv) start mode and correct it more aggressively to "automatic" in case it has a different mode. The service will be started unless it is already running. These steps will onyl succeed if user privileges are sufficient.
New Search window: create link to selected contact in clipboard
The search window now offers a new button for contact lines in the search results to create a link to the selected contact item, placed in the clipboard. The link can be inserted into e-mails and the text fields of contact items, journal and task entries, etc., to provide a quick shortcut to the contact.
update Call control window
The dialog height was adjusted to ensure the status bar is visible again.
update Settings / activation
Once the activation was completed in the settings window, the warning icon will immediately disappear now so TAPICall won't need to be restarted.
update FRITZ! Box settings improvements
  • IP address: the initial page where the FBF IP address is specified will now indicate that the actual IP address is only retrieved when the page is submitted. Previous versions showed "..." in this place which could be misleading.
  • Overwriting an existing configuration was complicated regarding the configuration name (a new name needed to be specified after editing the configuration). This was streamlined and is now more intuitive.
  • Manual input of dial port in search window: it is now possible to enter up to 6 characters for the new dial port. The incomplete message title was removed.
update Call Info Balloon: stabilized
The call info balloon was made more stable by internal rearrangements. Previous versions showed distortions and incomplete data in the balloon window after a longer usage period.
Version 4.3.140
status description
update Updated connector to lookup engine
Due to changes in the web site the connector needed some adjustments.
Version 4.3.139
status description
update Fritz! Box session expiry for Fritz! OS 7.20 and newer
After session expiry the Fritz! Box no longer sends a JSON response that confirms session expiry but redirects to the logon page. This is now interpreted as a timed-out session as well and a new session is set up on demand.
Version 4.3.137
status description
update Update for Fritz! OS 7.2: check for session expiry
Since Fritz! OS 7.2, calls made in expired sessions are automatically redirected to the logon page instead of generating an error code. If this situation is recognized now, TAPICall will refresh the session automatically.
Version 4.3.135
status description
update Updated MAPI component
Outlook-Redemption was updated to version 5.26.0. 5872
Version 4.3.134
status description
update Updated MAPI component
Outlook-Redemption was updated to version 5.25.0. 5826
Version 4.3.133
status description
update Usage of map coordinates from DasÖrtliche lookup engine
Due to web site changes, the Google maps coordinates were not properly read. This was fixed.
update Message "Problem in secure channel support" during online lookup
The message about secure channel issues which appeared mostly in Windows 8 and 8.1 systems was fixed by reducing the accepted secure protocols to TLS 1.2. It is possible to re-enable outdated protocols in case of trouble.
Version 4.3.132
status description
update Bugfix for external programs
Parameters ending on _pure would not be evaluated correctly. Particularly in combination with an outside access prefix, external programs would receive wrong IDs.
Version 4.3.131
status description
update Fritz! Box connection test now optional
The connection test which also reveals the Fritz! Box model and firmware version after specifying the address is now optional. If it fails, it is possible to continue nonetheless in the setup process.
Version 4.3.130
status description
update Adjustments for Fritz! OS 7.20
Firmware version 7.20 causes the Fritz! Box to reply to commands on an expired session with HTTP status 403 instead a predefined JSON string. This will now both cause a re-logon before the actual command is executed.
Version 4.3.129
status description
update Lookup engine
Due to internal changes in the website, the engine connector had to be updated. Forward as well as reverse lookup are working again.
Version 4.3.128
status description
update Automatically switch between Redemption debug and production versions
TAPICall will now automatically select the Redemption interface available. This was implemented for cases where a temporary Redemption debug DLL was installed. A new TAPICall installation is not required in this case.
Version 4.3.127
status description
update Fritz! Box connectivity
While retrieving information on model and firmware revision, the background logic failed in rare cases. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.126
status description
update Update to latest Outlook Redemption
TAPICall is now using Outlook Redemption
update Fritz! Box connectivity
The model and firmware version check was corrected. Errors during retrieval of these data should no longer occur.
Version 4.3.124
status description
update MAPI interface update
The Redemption MAPI connector was updated to the latest version
Version 4.3.123
status description
update TLS 1.2 support
The update fixes the error message "error in secure channel support" when using online phone books
Version 4.3.122
status description
update Extension separation in reverse lookups
Search results achieved by shortening the phone number specified will now be shown completely. The field Business / Home wants to contain the original phone number with the extension separated, Business 2 / Home 2 wants to contain the shortened number that led to the search result.
Version 4.3.121
status description
update Support for Fritz! OS 7.10 outgoing calls
Outbound calls failed if the Fritz! Box what running Fritz! OS 7.10 due to a firmware change by AVM. Respective changes in TAPICall were made.
Version 4.3.120
status description
update Update for Outlook 2003 / new contacts
New contact items could not be created in Outlook 2003 as the MAPI 11.0. * Interface compatibility was broken. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.119
status description
update Lookup engine TelSearch (CH)
The web URL to the request page was outdated. API keys did not always get saved, this was fixed.
Version 4.3.118
status description
update Lookup engine Tel.Search (CH)
TAPICall had a risk of potential crashing in the results evaluation. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.117
status description
update Call control window
The call control window would sometimes stay open after a call was disconnected even though it is configured to close automatically. This was fixed.
update Call info balloon can be moved
The call info balloon window can now be moved to an arbitrary place on the desktop at display time.
Version 4.3.116
status description
New Full text search in call list
The call list window now features a full text search across all entries. The input field is shown in the top right corner and can be jumped into by or ,
update Call list: limits
The default limits of the call list were reduced to a maximum age of 30 days and a maximum amount of 100 entries
update Startup delay
The startup delay is skipped if Outlook is already running for longer than the startup delay period. This will reduce the times where the startup delay is applied to cases where it makes sense performance-wise.
update Reconnecting the TAPI service provider
Reconnecting the current device would often fail, and not actually cause a reconnection. The reconnection is now done in two steps. First, the TSP is disconnected and reconnected, and the entire Windows TAPI connection is reconnected as well.
New Free positioning of info balloon
The info balloon can now be placed anywhere. Three modes are possible:
  • Follow the taskbar - like previously, the balloon will appear on the taskbar
  • Taskbar relative - in addition to the previous mode, at offset can be determined
  • free - Place the balloon anywhere, even on other monitors than the main monitor
The settings can be found in the Balloon setting page
Version 4.3.115
status description
update Folder for creating new contact items
TAPICall to fall back to the default and create new contacts locally again. This issue is more likely to happen.
update Lookup engine DasOertliche (EN)
Using the German lookup engine The local with a current location outside Germany would cause phone numbers to have the wrong international identifier in lookup results
Version 4.3.114
status description
update Using internal extensions in reverse lookup
If reverse lookup for a number that contains an internal extension (DDI) does not match, the number is shortened, and lookup is repeated. In this case, previous versions would not preserve the original number containing the DDI to create it in the contact item. This was fixed.
update Lookup engine
A possible infinite loop was fixed that would TAPICall to appear crashed.
Version 4.3.113
status description
update Fritz! Box setup / outbound test call
Making an outbound call in the Fritz! Box setup wizard would fail as long as no! Fritz! Box definition existed. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.112
status description
update Fritz! Box: improved setup process
Fritz! Box had a few flaws which are now fixed:
  • Warning! Icon! Fritz! Box definition
  • Deleting the last Fritz! Box definition would not succeed. The line would stay in the grid
  • Added: more prominent advice on online help residency for setting up a Fritz! Box
  • Fritz! Box definition under the name of a different existing definition
  • Fritz! Box models without the need for a new TAPICall version
  • Adjusted timeout values: previous timeout values were too small for many Fritz! Boxes, resulting in connectivity issues. The timeouts are now higher in new definitions, and set higher for existing instances, if needed
  • Outbound call test would not succeed in the setup wizard when the advice pop-up on outbound calls was not switched off first. This was fixed.
  • Fritz! Box setup wizard is now shown automatically if the telephony connection is switched to Fritz!
Version 4.3.111
status description
update Hotkey configuration
Hotkeys were sometimes not restored after leaving the configuration dialog. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.110
status description
update Reverse lookup in The local
The portal may not be matched. These are now ignored by TAPICall as they are misleading (actually there should not be a match)
update Fritz! OS 7.0 SSL certificate usage
Beginning with Fritz! OS 7.0, Fritz! Boxes are using SSL a certificate. When using the IP address, the certificate is invalid (it is bound to the host name TAPICall now ignores this to ensure communication is silent.
Version 4.3.109
status description
update Advice on error 0x80072F7D due due to missing Microsoft patch
On error 80072F7D, TAPICall wants to open Microsoft's support page for downloading a patch which fixes the problem.
Version 4.3.108
status description
update Internet connection test
The settings page Internet could not successfully complete the connection tests. The was fixed.
update Support for TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 for web requests to online lookup directories
These protocols are marked secure for TAPICall to help remove the error causing a message An error occurred in the secure channel support.
Version 4.3.107
status description
update Simulation / Displaying contacts
Simulating an inbound call including reverse lookup caused the Show contact button to show an error message. The contact would not be open eventually. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.106
status description
update WinHTTP: support TLS 1.0 as secure
Using online lookup engines could result in the following error message:

80072F7D - An error occurred in the secure channel support

WinHTTP's default setting for reject TLS 1.0 connections as secure. This is now accepted.
update Search window / alternative matches: create new contact with same address
If somebody is calling their extension ID is still unknown, but contacts exist that might serve as alternative matches (eg if the root number is equal), one of the matches original except for the contact name.
Version 4.3.105
status description
update Alternative lookup matching entries
On the other hand, the search window would often show the entries just for a very short time until they would disappear. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.104
status description
update Recognition of existing / ongoing calls on startup
On startup when TAPICall connects to the TAPI service provider, it now evaluates ongoing calls more reliably and immediately shows information on the call. Ongoing conversations were often ignored in older versions on startup.
update Phone book Herold (AT) and PagineBianche (IT)
Both phone book engine connectors were updated after provider-side changes that partially broke the functionality.
update Fritz! Box: selection of dial port in Search window
The box is shown in the bottom right corner of the window where the Fritz! Box connection is shown. This saves users the time to go to the first and pick the dial port there.
update TAPI: dropping calls from within the balloon window or TAPICall's main menu
Clicking the 'drop' button in the balloon window or using the 'Drop active call' in TAPICall's main menu would fail sometimes in older versions, especially with TAPICall's CTI funtionality. The management of such calls was improved and stabilized.
update Lookup engines: Phone number evaluation
The phonebook results were improved. All phone numbers are saved in contacts and extensions are properly separated from the root ID
Version 4.3.102
status description
update Telephony service check on startup
If TAPICall finds that it is running, if successful, TAPICall wants to wait a few seconds for the startup to complete. TAPI service providers attempt to use it, and to counteract the fact that the "manual" startup mode regularly through updates.
This problem can be prevented by setting the Telephony service start mode to "automatic". Unfortunately, TAPICall can not do this due to restricted process privileges.
Version 4.3.101
status description
update Creating new contacts from the search window
When TAPICall was configured to make new contact items, it could not be made known in the search window because the wrong folder would be referenced internally. This was fixed.
update Update for PagineBianche (IT) lookup engine
The lookup engine connector for PagineBianche for Italy was updated
Version 4.3.100
status description
update MAPI interface update
The most recent version of the MAPI interface (Outlook Redemption) is now part of the setup. This is most likely related to Office365 and Outlook 2016.
Version 4.3.99
status description
update The local: changed to https
The lookup engine could no longer be used since the provider switched to https / SSL. This was fixed.
update Holding / Forwarding now disabled in Fritz! Box mode
Boxes because they are not available in the FBF web interface. They want to be shown disabled in Fritz! Box mode now.
Version 4.3.98
status description
update Fritz! Box filter for VoIP extensions
TAPICall continues to use the numbers.
Version 4.3.97
status description
update Changes in DasÖrtliche (lookup engine)
TAPICall to fail using the search engine. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.96
status description
update Creation of call info e-mails (general)
E-mails to the own e-mail account failed if LongTermEntryIDs were used internally. Therefore, these mails would not be created and sent.
update Call info e-mails in Fritz! Box mode
In previous versions, the automatically generated e-mails on missed calls as well as the call list information e-mail would not be created in Fritz! Box mode. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.95
status description
update License check
During the 'License check' phase, TAPICall could take a long while or even freeze. This is caused by TAPI being initialized to retrieve the current TSP name. The name is now extracted from buffered registry values.
update tel: / callto: URL protocol
When using tel: or call to: hyperlinks from a browser, it could happen to be copied as '' into the search term or the phone number to be dialed.
Version 4.3.94
status description
update Fritz! Box call list download with another TAPI device selected for telephony
The call list downloads from a Fritz! Box configured in the Call List settings page would not execute on program startup but only after a configuration change. Box! Call list should be silent with TAPICall's internal call list.
Version 4.3.93
status description
update Check for running telephony service
The check something simplified. TAPICall is making a connection to TAPI, then TAPICall wants to start the service. If any errors occur in this step, they are addressed on screen. Likewise, if the service is deactivated, a message will indicate this problem.
Version 4.3.91
status description
update Check for running telephony service
TAPICall now checks whether the Windows Telephony Service is running when a connection to TAPI is being set up.
Version 4.3.90
status description
update Fritz! Box mode: make call from call list
The button Make call in the call list window not enabled in Fritz! Box mode unless an outbound call was made previously. Fritz! Box session immediately when the configuration is read.
update Startup behavior
Outlook is accessible for TAPICall only after the first time. Until now, TAPICall attempted to effect this by "stealing" the focus until Outlook is reachable. These could have side-effects like letters being lost during typing, or the Outlook profile selection dialog appearing out of nowhere. The accessibility of Outlook's interfaces is now done by Outlook add-in which will quickly move the focus to the desktop window and back to Outlook on startup. TAPICall's interface to Outlook is getting simpler and more reliable.
update Journal folder
The selection and control of the folder in which new journal entries are created which are stabilized and extended for working with multiple information stores.
Version 4.3.89
status description
update Folder selection dialogs
The folder tree in the dialogs 'Search for contacts', 'Create contacts', and 'Create journal' are immediately extended to the level where a folder has been selected
update Scan folders
To safely identify scan folders in mapped information stores, the LongTermEntryID, EntryID, and full folder path are used
Version 4.3.87
status description
update Removed multi-language rendering errors
Controls having a caption as well as a tooltip text would be shown with the caption being equal to the tooltip text. This was fixed.
update Support for Fritz! Box 7590
The Fritz! Box model 7590 is no longer indicated to be unsupported
Version 4.3.86
status description
update Area codes for CZ
We added area codes for Czechoslovakia and changed the dialing rules from closed dialing schema to area code usage.
update Handling of unknown country codes
TAPICall's database, or which has no area codes assigned to it, the plus sign would not be replaced by the introductory numerical code for an international call. This was fixed.
update Folder management for new items
The folders for journal entries are now automatically corrected
update Phone book Herold.AT
The web phone book connector is updated and is now working again.
Version 4.3.85
status description
update Fritz! Box call list downlaod
Calls of type "outbound / successful" were previously ignored. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.84
status description
update Fritz! Box call time evaluation
The call time of calls on a Fritz! Box was not evaluated properly. This was fixed.
update Update download
The function was stabilized to work better on very fast Internet connections
Version 4.3.83
status description
update Access privileges on product database
Previous versions failed on some machines in the write access test on the product database (C: \ ProgramData \ TAPICall.mdb). This is the program to refuse to start. This was fixed by privilege assignment in the setup so all users have full access to the folder now.
Version 4.3.82
status description
update Added area codes
Area codes were updated / added for Austria cellular network and Czech Republic
Version 4.3.81
status description
update Doubleclicking in the call list
When the double-click action in the call list is made, the window would open. This was fixed.
update Fix for iCloud folders
iCloud based folders could not be viewed, but the contacts could not be synchronized. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.80
status description
update Open search window from call list entry
clicking Display contact in search window in the call list would cause the search window to open without search expression and result. This was fixed, TAPICall now wants to use the phone number of the selected call list entry as the initial search expression.
update Using iCloud account folders
In combination with Outlook 2016, using iCloud folders caused problems. This was fixed.
update Fritz! Box call monitor parser
An error in the Fritz! OS firmware causes the Fritz! Box to send the CONNECT and DISCONNECT messages convoluted into one message. TAPICall could not handle this until now. It will now parse the single message and split into two if applicable. The call duration measurement contained in the DISCONNECT message is now used in the TAPICall call list as the call duration.
Version 4.3.79
status description
update Opening contacts from a call list entry
Opening a contact from a call list entry could fail if the contact had changes in the meantime. In this case, TAPICall seeks to resolve the contact for the call list entry and show the respective contact in case of success.
Version 4.3.77
status description
update User e-mail address caching
TAPICall retrieves the current user's e-mail addresses on startup. In rare cases this takes multiple minutes to complete. Once again, TAPICall wants to use the cache
update Phone book The local
Accidentally HTML markup containing a distance indication was included in the street address of result
Version 4.3.76
status description
update Database reverted to Access
The Sqlite database engine that was introduced with version 4.3.34 is no longer used due to instability in the product. The MDB database file format (Microsoft Access) is used again. Data created with in between versions (> = 4.3.34) wants to be migrated, mostly the license, call list, and search folder choices
Version 4.3.75
status description
update Bugfix in search window
Although no search result was clicked yet. This is the case for the entire text, which has been returned to the search term. This is now prevented.
update Usage of LongTermEntryID in contacts
The LongTermEntryID is now always when contacts are opened from within the search window, the call list window, or during the evaluation of actual calls, to ensure that the Outlook can be opened (if known).
Version 4.3.72
status description
update Synchronization improvement
TAPICall now wants to use the LongTermEntryID for database synchronization as the regular EntryID proved to be unreliable in Outlook 2016 environments.
update Hotkeys muted during settings dialog
Before the settings dialogue is shown, the hotkeys wants to be completely to enhance the stability. The hotkey functionality is resumed after the settings dialog was closed.
Version 4.3.71
status description
update Usage of long-term EntryID for call info e-mails and in the call list
In said contexts TAPICall is now using the long-term EntryID for accessing contacts instead of the previously-used EntryID. This is to ensure that hyperlinks in call info e-mails as well as opening contacts from the call list to work properly. This mainly affects contacts from folders shared across multiple users.
update Stabilization of the settings wizard dialog
On some Windows 10 systems TAPICall would crash completely when the settings are opened. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.69
status description
update Resolution for startup problems with Windows 10 Creators Update Case 2017 (1709)
After installing the update, TAPICall would no longer start up due to internal error logging on Outlook's MAPI session. TAPICall is now using a different approach to log on.
Version 4.3.67
status description
update Stabilization
The hotkey handling was improved in order to improve the product stability
update Menu in standby mode
Previous versions displayed invalid entries in the context menu. This was fixed.
update Search folder configuration
TAPICall's startup phase, its folder path is now trying to locate and locate it by name
Version 4.3.66
status description
update Data migration: bugfix for table Config_NumTypes
The table Config_NumTypes is no longer migrated but has been charged with default values.
Version 4.3.64
status description
New Search history
In the search window, the most recent 25 expressions are now offered in a dropdown. To register a search expression, click a line in the results view after searching.
Version 4.3.58
status description
update Synchronization with Office 2016 / Office365
Using Outlook 2016 on Office365 could cause TAPICall to resynchronize large portions of the contacts over and over. The reason is a variation in the IDs used to identify contacts now. TAPICall is now using the LongTermEntryID instead of the formerly-used EntryID which should make the synchronization more reliable and faster.
Version 4.3.57
status description
update Stabilization of settings dialog
Previous versions had a potential crash on opening the settings window. This was fixed.
Please do not use the automatic update (download + setup) in versions prior to 4.3.56. Please download the setup from and update manually. The automatic update can be used with versions 4.3.56 or greater.
Version 4.3.56
status description
update Fritz! Box setup
Once telephony was changed to Fritz! Box, and a Fritz!
update Phone book "Das Örtliche" (DE)
The company was retrieved, shown, and copied into contacts. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.53
status description
update Order of phone numbers in search results
When TAPICall was installed 'fresh', versions beginning with 4.3.34 would show phone numbers in search results in random order. This was fixed.
update Using selected text on F8
On pushing F8 (previous version of TAPICall's search function), previous versions would prioritize selected text in Outlook items over text selections outlook even if outlook was not the foreground application. This was fixed. Outlook is the foreground application.
Version 4.3.52
status description
update Fritz! Box: recognition of session timeouts and two-factor authentication
Sessions timing out in the background are now properly recognized by TAPICall, and in a new session Fritz! Box command is executing (set dial port, make or drop call). TAPICall accordingly, TAPICall accordingly, requires the user to disable two-factor authentication because it wants to prevent TAPICall to successfully place commands.
Version 4.3.51
status description
update Phone book 'The Local': improved recognition of cellular phone numbers
As the web site no longer identifies cellular phone numbers as search, TAPICall now uses its internal phone number to landline from cellular phone numbers. If a cellular number is detected, it is automatically filled in the "cell phone" field instead of "private" or "business" phone fields.
Version 4.3.50
status description
update Database migration stabilization
The migration of databases from Access (<= Version 4.3.33) to SQLite was improved in some places to handle errors more flexibly.
update Improvement on 'The Local' phone book
The recognition of private vs. TAPICall now wants to fill the appropriate contact fields for address and phone number (s). Email and web site addresses are now copied into result contacts properly again.
Version 4.3.49
status description
update Correction on search folder configuration
The search folder settings were not correctly saved with previous versions, or improperly initialized on first use. This was fixed.
update Stabilization for update download
The Update manager dialog could crash when doing downloads on high bandwidth connections. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.48
status description
update Error correction in license manager
Using dynamic activation would cause the license to expire in newer TAPICall versions due to a problem saving server communication in the client. The error was fixed.
Version 4.3.47
status description
update Alternative (fuzzy) search matching in the search window
Searching by a phone number would be erratically. This was fixed.
Version 4.3.46
status description
update Better support for working with multiple information stores
TAPICall to miss folder events. This surfaced eg by the automatic phone number correction dialog not appearing even though a contact with invalid phone number information. The user information is now retrieved, which makes it more reliable
Version 4.3.44
status description
update Fritz! Box mode: call termination
TAPICall sometimes missed when a call was hung up so the call was assumed to be active and no new call could be initiated. This was fixed.
update "New version" announcement
A new version of the system is now available with a pop-up message, which can be downloaded as soon as possible
update Using Windows Common Controls
Controls like checkboxes, dropdowns, etc. are now presented in the system look and feel
update URI protocols (call to and tel)
The URI protocol configuration was removed from the program. The setup now prepares the protocol handlers and the user decides for what protocol TAPICall is used (better adherence to Microsoft guidelines)
update Fritz! Box mode: whitelist and blacklist added
The Fritz! Box announces information on any inbound call to all listening clients. If a given TAPICall client is MSNs, or excludes activity on given MSNs, both can now be in a whitelist and a blacklist. Both are offered in the Fritz! Box setup wizard which can thus be used to update existing Fritz! Box definitions
update Fritz! Box mode: Make call (error handling)
If making a call in Fritz! Box mode, an error message is now shown, offering to cancel or retry
update Search window: behavior on making a call
The search window can now be configured to either minimize or close completely. The menu Settings -> When a call is started ... which is extended by two sub items accordingly
Version 4.3.43
status description
New Settings page "Automatic updates"
To enable configuring the behavior on automatic updates, a new settings page "Automatic Updates" was introduced. It can be used to disable the search for updates, or configure it as desired.
New Registration as callto / tel protocol handler
TAPICall can now register for the callto: and tel: URI protocols which are presented on websites to prepare a phone number with a single click. For configuring this, the new "default application" settings page was introduced
CAUTION! This feature is in beta state and will not work fully in Windows 8 and 10!
Version 4.3.36
status description
update Settings page for automatic updates
The settings page 'Automatic Updates' what added to allow configuring the behavior even if no current updates exist.
update Duplicate folders in folder structure views
Using connected accounts could cause the same folders to be shown multiple times in the folder selection views. From now on, for each folder only the first appearance will be ignored.
update URI protocol evaluation
Links with tel: or call to: did not work properly even if they were bound to TAPICall. Clicking a link would open the TAPICall search window but not copy the number into the input line. This was fixed.
update tel: / callto: URI protocol handling
The support for the URI protocols tel: and callto: what moved from the setup into the program (last page in the "first start" wizard as well as page "default application" in the settings). The protocols can be assigned to TAPICall on demand, and this can therefore be rolled back to the last-known application that was assigned before TAPICall.
update Fritz! Box mode / Windows location check
Until now, TAPICall would not check the location configuration in the Windows Telephony settings when TAPICall works in Fritz! Box mode. If the location is missing, this will trigger a warning on startup.
update Bugfix about database shadow copies
Reading area codes from the database in the program installation folder would automatically create a shadow copy of the database on Windows Vista and newer versions which would be announced at the next program startup. This is now removed by creating a temporary copy of the template.
Version 4.3.33
status description
update Call list: filter to current month
When the filter "current month" what was selected in the call list, the result was not as expected. The date range selection was corrected.
update Automatic database repair
When TAPICall is shut down for the 10th time, the profile is automatically cleaned up. A new button for this purpose was added to the settings page Maintenance and test.
Version 4.3.31
status description
update Software update with integrated download
The update dialog now offers an integrated download for the update package. The downloaded package can be started from within the program. This makes update handling a lot easier.
update Performance at the beginning of a call
If call alarm signaling is off, and no categories exist which have special colors or balloon window sizes defined, the check for WAV attachments and categories in contacts is suppressed. This makes TAPICall perform better when a contact is called or being called.
update Cancel running QuickSync
QuickSync can now be canceled. The progress window has a 'close' button in the top right corner that wants to stop the synchronization immediately.
update Call control window after end of call
When the call control window opens, the menu item 'Open call control window for current call' would open. This is now.
update Update notification bugfix
Every 24 hours, TAPICall checks for program updates online. However, it would pop up in that same hour and be dismissed. This is now prevented.
update Wrong hint on missing search folder definition
On first start, or after deleting the search folder definitions, previous TAPICall versions would issue a warning about missing search folder definitions while they are actually referenced the default contacts folder. The warning for this situation was removed.
update Suppress QuickSync during settings wizard display
The QuickSync function is now suppressed as long as the settings window is open to prevent QuickSync from disturbing users while taking changes in the settings.
update Check for existing shadow copies of the product database and language file
Since Windows Vista, write access to files in the Program Files folder may cause a shadow copy of the modified file to be created in the so-called VirtualStore. This file is used to protect the files, but this happens in a different place in the user's profile. Windows wants to prefer the shadow copy over the original file if a shadow copy exists. This may not be effective. TAPICall now checks for shadow copies of the product database and language file, and issues a warning if anything is found.
Version 4.3.30
status description
update Fixed an error in folder hierarchy detection
The file would not work properly (MDB file would keep its initial size). This problem was fixed.
Version 4.3.29
status description
update Classic dialog layout in settings
By popular request a menu that added to the settings dialog that can be used to switch between the modern layout layout and the legacy layout before 4.2.100
Version 4.3.28
status description
update Resuming previous call after call waiting
If a call comes in during an active call, the call waiting would replace the active call. If the second caller gives up, previous versions of TAPICall attempted to fall back to the call which was previously known as the active call, and continue it. This proved unreliable and was therefore disabled
update Fritz! Box call list import
During the import of lines from the Fritz! Box call list it could happen that the imported items were shown like actual calls with a balloon window and sound being player. This is now suppressed for imported items.
update QuickSync no longer executing while settings dialog is open
The QuickSync function is now suppressed as long as the settings dialog is shown
update Using extensions in look results from Local
Looking up a phone number with extension in Germany would cause the resulting contact to have only one phone number. TAPICall wants to fill in the phone number field (home / business), and the phone number that belongs to the lookup result (having the main desk extension -0) is put into the second field (home 2 / business 2)
Version 4.3.27
status description
update Hotkey correction
The modifier keys (shift, ctrl, alt, windows) were not evaluated properly. This was corrected.
update Online phone book herald (Austria)
The phone book connector needed to be rewritten due to extensive web site changes.
Version 4.3.26
status description
update Lookup provider selection in search window
To open the context menu offers the lookup engines on the Search button in the search window, you can now use the context menu key on the keyboard. Beginning with version 4.3.29, the alternative key combination Ctrl + Space is also possible.
update Creation of e-mails about missed calls (in absence)
Due to an internal error, e-mails about missed calls were created but not sent. They would be as draft items in the Draft folder. The problem was fixed.
Version 4.3.24
status description
update TAPI Wizard and Quick Sync launch conditions
Changes to settings like Telephony Connection, CTI, Canonic format TAPI Wizard, or the contact quick synchronization (Quick Sync) immediately when the appropriate settings page was left. This could be slow down the program to a degree where working with the settings dialog no longer possible. The subsequent processes are now only when the settings dialog is closed.
update Update to MAPI interface library
The Redemption MAPI interface was updated to 5.12.
Version 4.3.23
status description
update Update reminder
The reminder about program updates was not prominently enough in previous versions. TAPICall is now configured to check once a day for updates, and indicate if any exist in the update manager dialog.
update Speed dial with Fritz! Box mode
In Fritz! Box mode, speed dial entries could not be used any longer in previous versions. This was fixed.
update Reading the clipboard
TAPICall frequently failed to read the clipboard contents so that the search window would open with no search. The process has changed to the Clipboard API directly which should make the functional more stable and reliable.
update Fritz! Box call list download when a TAPI device is used
TAPICall in Fritz! Box mode, ie using the Fritz! Box instead of a TAPI service provider. When a classic TAPI driver was used, call list download was not possible. This was restored now. Settings are available at the end of the 'Call list' settings page where a Fritz! Box can be specified for call list download explicitly. If the Fritz! Box is thus the main phone device (no TSP usage), the call list can be downloaded as part of the Fritz! Box-related settings.
Version 4.3.22
status description
update Resolved setup issue
TAPICall 4.3 setup_support_included_included_included_included_initial_tapicall, or upgrade to a newer version. The problem was resolved.
Version 4.3.21
status description
update Automatic TSP reconnection in Fritz! Box mode
TAPICall was used in Fritz! Box mode. The automatic TSP reconnection on standby would not work. The error was fixed.
Version 4.3.20
status description
update Keyboard shortcuts: internal rearrangement
To improve stability and reliability of global keyboard shortcuts such as F8 for opening the search window, the program code is simplified internally. TAPICall would not react to computerized keyboard combinations in some systems.
Version 4.3.19
status description
update Fritz! Box Fon Support
Fritz! Box Fon devices are now supported by TAPICall so the installation of AVM TSP is no longer required. The TSP is not supported by AVM anymore.